Sunday, 19 February 2017

Identities and the Media: Feminism

Media Magazine reading

1) What are the two texts the article focuses on?

Pan Am  - ABC TV Show
Why Don't You Love Me - Beyonce music video

2) What examples are provided from the two texts of the 'male gaze' (Mulvey)?

Beyonce - 'sexy outfits' Costume, objectified and welcoming the male gaze. The lyrics  surround the basis of her offering everything a man 'could want or need' whilst being seductivem, 'submitting herself to sexual objectification and acknowledging the male gaze' She is empowered only because she is 'controlling the gaze'

Pan Am - The first shot of the character of Laura is on a magazine where the purpose was for her to be 'admired and aspired to by women and visually enjoyed by men.'
The Image on the magazine also shows a 'constructed version of femininity'

3) Do texts such as these show there is no longer a need for feminism or are they simply sexism in a different form?

On one hand texts like this could show that there is no longer a need for feminism and that we have a current understanding of it which enables us to look into the past with such criticism. However, women are still being objectified even by themselves, they are still not equal so there is still a very big need for feminism.

4) Choose three words/phrases from the glossary of the article and write their definitions on your blog.

Feminism - A movement aimed at defining establishing and defending women's rights and equality to men.
Post-Feminism - An ideology in culture and society that society is somehow past needing feminism and that the attitudes and arguments of feminism are no longer needed.
Third Wave Feminism -  Was a movement that redefined and encouraged women to be dominant and sexually assertive.
Patriarchy - An ideology that places men in a dominant and sexually.

No More Page 3

1) Research the No More Page 3 campaign. Who started it and why?

The More Page 3 campaign was started by Lucy-Anne Holmes who wrote a letter to the editor of the sun in 2012 suggesting that they reconsider page 3.

2) What reasons did the campaign give for why Page 3 had to go?

  • 'It isn’t the sexist 1970s anymore' 
  • 'Women are not sexual objects'
  • 'derogatory treatment of certain sections of society'

3) Read this debate in the Guardian regarding whether the campaign should be dropped. What are Barbara Ellen and Susan Boniface's contrasting opinions in the debate?

Ellen - Against
-The sun has been inconsistent in the removal of page three which means the they may be likely to bring it back on several occasions.
-Objectification is stil rife, and should not be stood for.

Boniface - For
-outdated + pointless.
-2015 Feminist - Sexually empowering and celebrating the female body.

4) The main campaign website has now been replaced by a site called Sexist News, designed to highlight sexism in the media. Give an example of a recent story the website has highlighted. Do you agree with the view of the website?

The article shows a mostly negative side to the issue of Abortion in Uganda, which I agree with. Especially under circumstances of rape and danger to the mother/child. I don't completely agree with the statement of the religions being the two 'most misogynistic religions'. In my opinion I believe that the Misogyny comes from the perception of the religion rather than what the religion often promotes itself. The Misogyny and constant need to tell women what to do with their comes from the people themselves and religion is often used as an excuse.

5) How can the No More Page 3 campaign and Sexist News website be linked to the idea of post-feminism?

The no more page three campaign and the Sexist News website can be linked to the idea of Post-Feminism as it shows change in perceptions. People are understanding the reasoning behind the campaigns behind the campaigns. Which for some could suggest that we no longer need feminism, or what we currently know feminism to be.

6) What are your OWN views on these campaigns? Do you agree with their aims? Is there still a need for these campaigns in the media?

I agree with these campaigns in terms of their aims, they are directly addressing massive issues within society and there is definitely a need for these campaigns especially today with the rise of Trump in America. We need to makes sure we make a stand to continue the progress of equality and prevent falling backwards.

7) Finally, do you agree that we are in a post-feminist state or is there still a need for feminism?

I definitely think that there is still a massive need for feminism. People are forgetting that the main aim for the movement was euality and we still do not have this. Quite simply we are still paid less just because we have the ability to birth a child. Many women do not want children, many are incapable, many choose to have them later in life and are paid less as a result of something that they are not even going to do. men still have a parental responsibility and some are single parents why are they not paid less even though many have the same responsibilities and expectations of mothers. If we lived in a post-feminist society we wouldn't have this gap, we wouldn't still be used as sexual plot devices rather than independent leading roles.

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