Sunday 9 October 2016

Week 4-

Case of 14-year-old taking social network to court over naked picture has already resulted in others seeking legal advice.

A legal case against Facebook, which will involve a 14-year-old taking the company to court in Belfast over naked images published on the social network, could open the floodgates for other civil claims, according to lawyers who work with victims of revenge pornography. 

The girl, alleges misuse of private information, negligence and breach of the Data Protection Act by Facebook and is claiming damages. She is also taking legal action against the man who allegedly posted the picture.

Taking the self out of selfie – most pictures not about vanity, says study

Australian analysis of more than 5,000 selfies posted to Instagram concludes they are not really about narcissism but simply a part of everyday life

Researchers at the Australian National University’s College of Business and Economics assessed randomly selected selfies posted to Instagram over a period of 10 days, and found that only one in 10 were taken to communicate physical attractiveness for the sole purpose of raising an online following.

Australian analysis of more than 5,000 selfies has concluded that they are “more than a form of vanity”, with 90% “not posted with the intent of self-promotion”.

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